Matt waiting in line to get pinned. The pin is another tab that goes above his Airborne wings.
Matt getting pinned by General Hertling. He gave a speech and was cracking jokes the whole time. Even when he was pinning people, he was making jokes. It was the funniest ceremony I've been to.
Matt getting his certificate of completion from Major Capel.
Matt and the other 2 guys Whiteneck and Bundy that got pinned from our battalion. They are also in Matt's platoon. The guy in the cap is Josh Hetisimer he helped run the course and is also in Matt's platoon.
I'm so proud of Matt and all he has accomplished there, it was difficult for him because the platoon is mostly Medics and they have experience doing Medical things. Matt doesn't, he was a little behind the curve. He did amazing.
This is the 8th ceremony Matt has been in, since he's been in the military. I haven't missed one and don't plan on it.