Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I am not a person who shows emotion. I don't know if I was raised like that or I just acquired this attribute. My Nana passed away at the beginning of August. It was the hardest thing I had ever seen, to see my Grandpa so sad, and not able to help him.

All of my siblings in order. Paul, Rose, Zach, Me and Zion. This is right before we left for the funeral.

At the airport before Matt and I fell back to Utah. Zion and his wife Lauren, me and Matt.


NJ said...

I'm so sorry for your loss as well. It's hard to lose a grandparent. We are missing you guys, but of course I've told you that 3x already lol

Michael and Amanda Ellis said...

I really feel for you. My grandma past away the beginning of September, so I understand how you must have felt. It was really hard on all of us. But it is comforting to know that this seperation is only temperary. Hope you guys are doing well!

MStevenson said...

Sorry to hear about that.